About Us

Our Platform

The Prosetta Platform has been applied to infectious and degenerative diseases alike. In contrast to most drugs available today, assembly-modulators work in tandem with the body’s own regulatory mechanisms and provide a new strategy for restoring homeostasis on the molecular level. To learn more about this revolutionary approach, visit the Prosetta Paradigm and Drug Discovery Platform pages.

  • Our research has identified two compounds with anti-proliferative properties effective against about 75 different cancers. Learn More.

  • We discovered that viruses share a common, energy-dependent capsid assembly process, leading to the development of antiviral compounds targeting this mechanism across various viral families. Learn More.

  • Our research links viral infections to specific neurodegenerative diseases and their protein aggregates, suggesting that compounds targeting viral protein assembly might also treat disorders like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS. Learn More.

  • Our work developing antiviral drugs allowed us to identify small molecules which modulate the assembly of multi-protein complexes within cells. The potentially lethal consequences of aberrant assembly led us to believe that bacteria must also carry out and rely on assembly. Learn More.

  • We discovered that viruses share a common, energy-dependent capsid assembly process, leading to the development of antiviral compounds targeting this mechanism across various viral families. Learn More.

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